International Marriage
For international married couples, "where to live" is a major question—one that always lingers. Kids, housing, jobs, finances, aging... and so much more need to be considered! However, navigating immigration, banking, taxes, the medical system, and insurance in your spouse’s country can be incredibly complicated.
We have overcome language barriers, navigated cultural differences, and cared for parents in both countries. Yet, there is still so much more to figure out.
Don't get me wrong—I have never regretted our marriage, and we have been happily married. In fact, our international marriage has given us so many enriching experiences, wisdom, and joy. (Though it did take us a while to agree on a comfortable room temperature! 😆)
I guess what I’m really trying to say here is...
If you’ve decided to move to or live in Japan, I truly hope your transition will be as smooth as possible! And I hope can be a helpful resource for you! We’d love to hear from you! Please share your experiences, feedback, and requests for the website!